I was asked to find a solution to automate importing OS customization Specs to our Vcenters. Its a task that not difficult but better if was scripted. I found this code located at ForwardorReverse blog. Export function allows you to export the OS customization Spec to $secname.xml and the import allows you to import them. These two functions are few years old according to the Blog but still work on Vsphere 6.5 without issue.
Function Export-OSCustomizationSpec {
param (
[string]$exportFile = "$specname.xml"
$csmgr = Get-View CustomizationSpecManager
if ($csmgr.DoesCustomizationSpecExist($specName)) {
$spec = $csmgr.GetCustomizationSpec($specName)
$csmgr.CustomizationSpecItemToXml($spec) | Out-File $exportFile
else {
throw "Spec $specName not found"
Function Import-OSCustomizationSpec {
param (
[string]$specName #Use to change the spec name from that defined in the file
$specXml = Get-Content $importFile
$csmgr = Get-View CustomizationSpecManager
$spec = $csmgr.XmlToCustomizationSpecItem($specXml)
# Change the name if a new one was given.
if ($specName) {
$spec.Info.Name = $specName
if ($csmgr.DoesCustomizationSpecExist($spec.Info.Name)) {
throw "Spec $specName already exists."
else {