Author Archives: admin

Create God Mode in Windows

Have you ever heard of “God Mode”? It’s a hidden feature in Windows that allows you to access a wide range of settings and options all in one place. And the best part is, it’s incredibly easy to set up! In this blog post, we’ll show you how to create God Mode by naming a folder on your desktop.

Step 1: Create a new folder on your desktop To get started, right-click on your desktop and select “New” and then “Folder”. You can name this folder anything you like, but for this tutorial, we’ll call it “God Mode”.

Step 2: Rename the folder Once you’ve created the new folder, right-click on it and select “Rename”. Now, simply copy and paste the following text into the folder name field: GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Step 3: Hit enter and enjoy God Mode! After you hit enter, the folder icon will change to a control panel icon, and you’ll now have access to a vast array of settings and options in one place. You can click on the God Mode folder to open it up and explore all the settings available.

One thing to note is that God Mode is only available on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. If you’re using an earlier version of Windows, this trick won’t work.

In conclusion, God Mode is an excellent feature that can save you a lot of time and hassle. By creating a simple folder on your desktop, you can access all the settings and options you need in one place. So go ahead and try it out for yourself – you won’t be disappointed!

How to Retrieve vSAN License Key from an ESXi Cluster using PowerCLI

vSAN is a software-defined storage solution from VMware that is integrated with the vSphere platform. To use vSAN, you need to have a valid license key assigned to your ESXi hosts. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to retrieve the vSAN license key from an ESXi cluster using PowerCLI.

#Assuming already established connection to your VCSA.

$clust = Read-Host "Enter Cluster Name: "
$cluster = Get-Cluster $clust 

$serviceinstance = Get-View ServiceInstance
$LicManView=Get-View $LicManRef
$licenseassetmanager = Get-View $LicManView.LicenseAssignmentManager
$script:licInfo = $licenseassetmanager.GetType().GetMethod("QueryAssignedLicenses").Invoke($licenseassetmanager,@($dd1.MoRef.Value))
$lkey = $licInfo.assignedlicense.LicenseKey 

foreach ($obj in $licInfo){
    if ($obj.EntityDisplayName -eq $cluster){
    $key = $obj.assignedlicense.LicenseKey
    Write-Host "$cluster has vSAN $key"

Create vMotion TCP/IP stack when making vMotion VMKernel interface with PowerCli

This series of commands will set the default gateway on the vMotion kernel to use dedicated Default Gateway for layer 3 vMotion.

After you connect to the target VCSA (vCenter) update the variables

# Update the Variables Below
$esxi = "ESXi hostname"
$vdsswitchname = "DVS Switch Name"
$vmotionportgroup = "Portgroup to use for VMotion"
$vmotionIP = "IP address of the Vmotion Kernel"
$vmotiongateway = "The Vmotion Default Gatway"
$VmotionSubnetMask = "VMotion Subnet Mask"
# End of Variables

$vds = Get-VDSwitch $vdsswitchname
$hostobject = get-vmhost $esxi
$vmostack = Get-VMHostNetworkStack -vmhost $hostobject | ? {$_.ID -eq "vmotion"}
New-VMHostNetworkAdapter -VirtualSwitch $vds -VMHost $hostobject -PortGroup  -ip $vmotionIP -SubnetMask $VmotionSubnetMask -NetworkStack $vmostack -Confirm:$false
$vmostackconfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetworkConfig
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetworkConfigNetStackSpec[] (1)
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0] = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetworkConfigNetStackSpec
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostNetStackInstance
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance.RequestedMaxNumberOfConnections = 11000
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance.CongestionControlAlgorithm = 'newreno'
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance.IpRouteConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.HostIpRouteConfig
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance.IpRouteConfig.DefaultGateway = $vmotiongateway
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].NetStackInstance.Key = 'vmotion'
$vmostackconfig.NetStackSpec[0].Operation = 'edit'
$changmode = 'modify'
$_this = Get-View -Id $hostobject.NetworkInfo.Id
$_this.UpdateNetworkConfig($vmostackconfig, $changmode)

Uninstall VIBs on ESXi via PowerCLI

I ran across a need to have to uninstall a VIB from ESXI once installed. I Didnt want to login to each ESXi via SSH to preform the ESXCLI command so this is how you can do it via PowerCLI.

the ESXi command line would be:

esxcli software vib remove -n=usbcore-usb --dry-run

PowerCLI Code

$VMhost = "ESXi-Hostname"
$VIBNAME = "usbcore-usb"

$esxcliRemoveVibArgs = $
$esxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMHost $VMhost -V2
$esxcliRemoveVibArgs.dryrun = $true  #Change this to False to actually perform the uninstall)

$vib = $ | where{$_.Name -match $VIBNAME }

$esxcliRemoveVibArgs.vibname = $vib.Name 